Bureau I Executive comitee I Permanent council I Affiliated associations


UISPP was funded in 1931 (inheriting the tradition of past International Congresses of anthropology and pre historical Archaeology) and is a member of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (ICPHS), non Governmental Association associated to UNESCO since 1955.

UISPP is structured in a Bureau, executive committee, permanent council and a committee of honor. The structure then is branched in several specialized committees, scientific commissions and is also affiliated to several International Associations.


The Bureau comprises a president and a general secretary. The president of UISPP is the president of the next congress and is elected by the members of the permanent council.

The members of the permanent council also elect the general secretary for the period of 5 years that may be renewed for another 5. It is the responsibility of the general secretary to assure, together with the president, to deal with current issues, arrange for meetings of the permanent council (PC), executive council (EC), present reports about the activities in each meeting of the PC and EC, and is also in charge of the financial management of UISPP.

President: Professor Doutor Vítor Oliveira Jorge, Universidade de Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Instituto de Arqueologia, R. do Campo Alegre, 1055, 4100 Porto, Portugal.

General Secretary: Professor Doutor Jean Bourgeois, Universiteit Gent, Vakgroep Archeologie & Oude Geschiedenis van Europa, Blandijnberg, 2, B 9000 Gent (Belgique).


Executive committee

The EC meets every year with the objective of maintain the traditions of UISPP and assure the regular activities. The committee has 15 members, including the president and the general secretary, elected by the PC for a period of 5 years, non renewable.

The former president and secretaries that participated in the organization of a congress also attend the meetings, with a non voting status. The presidents of specialized committees and scientific commissions, representatives of affiliated International Associations, and the general secretary of the national committee in charge of the organization of the following congress are invited to attend the meetings of the executive council.

Portuguese members of the EC:

Prof. Doutor Vítor Oliveira Jorge (President)
Prof. Doutor Luiz Oosterbeek (Secretary of the XVth Congress)

Secretary of the XVth Congress: Professor Doutor Luiz Oosterbeek, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 2300 Tomar, Portugal


Permanent council

The permanent council is the hierarchal direction structure of UISPP, it is formed by 4 members in each country, with the maximum of 1 person of each International affiliated association, the president of each specialized committee, and the president of each scientific commission.

The members of the PC must be chosen amongst the specialized professionals in the areas of interest. These will then be presented to the PC by other members or by a research organization of the country and are then elected taking into account the degree of specialization.

This council meets for the specific purpose of organizing the International Congress of sciences pre and proto historical organized under the supervision of UISPP and normally takes place in the second or third year after each main Congress.

Portuguese members of PC:

Prof. Doutor Vítor Oliveira Jorge
Prof. Doutora Manuela Martins


International Associations affiliated to UISPP

  • Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Related Studies (before Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies)
  • International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)
  • The Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (before The Far Eastern Prehistoric Association)
  • Union internationale d'Archéologie Slave
  • International Council for Archaeozoology (I.C.A.Z.)
  • Association internationale pour l'Étude de la Paléontologie humaine
  • Society for American Archaeology
  • Forum for African Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
