C31 – Mountain environments in prehistoric Europe: settlement and mobility strategies from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age

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The proposed session, organised under the patronage of the UISPP Commission “Civilisations Néolithiques de la Méditerranée et de l'Europe” (President: Jean Guilaine, professor at the Collège de France), will join together scholars interested to settlement and mobility strategies adopted by prehistoric human groups who lived in mountain environments in Europe. It will offer an original and innovative geographically-oriented research paradigm through the comparison of different archaeological realities, research methodologies, theoretical models. This should be considered one of the most interesting paths to provide an updated state of the art of our knowledge of the prehistory of Europe mountains. The expected results will be useful for the development of an overall scientific consciousness that could be used towards an increased integration of European research.

The COLLOQUIUM C31 will be organised by “ALPINET - Alpine Network for Archaeological Sciences”. Associated members are: University of Trento, Museum of Natural Sciences of Trento, University of Ferrara, Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology (Italy); University of Grenoble, University of Chambery; Institute of Anthropology of Toulouse (France); University of Zurich (Switzerland); University of Tuebingen, Reiss-Engelhorn Museum of Mannheim (Germany); University of Innsbruck, Institute of Palaeontology of Wien (Austria); University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Lectures will be partitioned in 4 main themes: Hunter-gatherers, Early farmers; First societies; Appearance of metal.

Language to be used: English and French

Organising Secretariat:
Stefano Grimaldi (Trento University, Trento, Italy). E-mail: stefano.grimaldi@lett.unitn.it
Thomas Perrin (Institute of Anthropology, Toulouse, France). E-mail: tperrin@free.fr

Proposals for lectures should not exceed one A4 page, and must be written in English or French. Proposals should be sent to the Organising Secretariat ONLY by email.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 31 December 2005.

Tanks in advance for your kind interest.

Trento, 2 May 2005.

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