Call for papers and posters (WS26)

Papers & Posters are invited for the following Workshop (WS26) at the
XVth UISPP Congress in Lisbon, September 4-9, 2006:

WS26 Babies Reborn: infant/children burials in prehistory
Bébés renés: Sépultures des nouveau-nés/enfants dans la préhistoire
(Krum Bacvarov, Tatiana Mishina)

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As distinct age groups, babies and children have their special place in the archaeological record. The examination of the manifold manifestations of their presence in prehistoric contexts would attract scholarly attention with approaches varying from purely archaeological and bioarchaeological analyses of burial contexts through chronology observations to interpretations and reconstructions of ritual and symbolic systems. Cross-cultural comparisons and parallels as well as the multidisciplinarity of these considerations would contribute to a more complete picture of the social and ritual structures in prehistory.

Les nouveau-nés et les enfants, représentant deux groupes différents en âge, sont bien attestés parmi les vestiges archéologiques. L’étude des manifestations multiformes de leur présence dans les contextes préhistoriques pourrait devenir attirante pour les scientifiques par des démarches différentes qui comprennent: des analyses strictement archéologiques et bioarchéologiques des contextes funéraires, à travers des observation chronologiques, aux interprétations et reconstructions des rites et systèmes symboliques. Les comparaisons et parallèles interculturelles, aussi bien que leur considération pluridisciplinaire faciliterait la compréhension complète des structures préhistoriques sociales et rituelles.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together prehistorians working on problems related to infant/children burials in various parts of the world. Presenters are encouraged to share knowledge, data and analytical results on infant/children burials as well as on their multidisciplinary interpretation. Papers providing methodological and theoretical insights pertinent to these issues are also welcomed.

Krum Bacvarov (Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Tatiana Mishina (Archaeological Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Papers as well as posters must be presented in English or French and will be published in a dedicated volume as part of the XV UISPP congress proceedings. Any proposals for contributions (papers and posters) must be received by 30th October 2005, and are subject to approval by the workshop organizers.

For the pre-congress publication, all contributors will have to submit an abstract (100–200 words, English and French) of their paper or poster by 31st December 2005. The abstract must include the exact title of the respective contribution, three to five key words, and the name(s) of the author(s). Abstracts are to be submitted (in Word or Rich-Text Format) by e-mail.

Information on the workshop as well as registration forms can be found at:

Participants should register online ( and please also email a copy of the proposed title and abstract to the organizers.

Contact address:

Dr. Krum Bacvarov

Institute of Archaeology and Museum
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2 Saborna St.
BG-1000 Sofia


Please pass on this call for papers to anyone who you think might be interested.

Looking forward to hearing from you and to meeting you in Lisbon, with kind regards from the workshop organizers,

Krum Bacvarov
(Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Tatiana Mishina
(Archaeological Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences)

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