XVth Congress - Lisbon (Portugal), 2006
To all the Archeologists throughout the world
Message from the UISPP's President concerning the XV Congress
Lisbon, September 2006
Email: uispp.xvcongress@ipt.pt

Dear Colleagues,


In its XIVth Congress, that took place in Liège, Belgium, on September 2001, the UISPP has decided to held its XVth congress in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 2006, having Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek, from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, as its General Secretary, and the major responsible for the event's organization.


Hence, during this great meeting of archaeologists from all over the world, Portugal and, namely, its city capital, famous for its pleasant weather and its openness to every people, will have the honour to receive our community and to make all the possible, with everyone's collaboration, from archaeologists to public and private entities, to convert this scientific meeting into an unforgettable cultural and human experience.


As you know, our Union and its congresses (that take place every 5 years) brings together colleagues from all over the world and deals with all domains, chronologies and topics of archaeology, always seeking for the greatest scope possible.


In a planet where the conflicts and misunderstandings between cultures are spreading in a worrying way, our scientific, cultural and civic mission is to create moments of pause, of meeting together, of exchanges of points of view, and to help to promote a better future for humankind. This future can not be reached but through the deep understanding of persons and groups, and through an absolute equal respect for all the cultural traditions and for the heritage of all cultures and people.


Archaeology has given, and will continue to give, a great contribution to achieve such a positive utopia, that moves us towards a fruitful and fraternal knowledge creation.


In fact, it studies all peoples and cultural traditions in their specificities, the unique contributions of each of them, throughout space and time, opening the way to the creation of such an immense wealth, the one of cultural diversity. We must not let this richness be lost, since it is part of the heritage that we must consolidate and hand-over for future generations.


Being so, it is for me an honour to address myself to the colleagues in the whole world, on behalf of UISPP, of its General Secretary, Prof. Jean Bourgeois, from Gent University, Belgium, and of the XVth Congress' Secretary General, appealing to your active participation in this major meeting, through your presence, through the presentation of papers or other interventions, but also through suggestions that you might want to address to the Congress' Secretary General and that will, undoubtedly, constitute a good help to the congress' success.


I send you my archaeological greetings and, on behalf of the UISPP and my own country, I thank you in advance for any collaboration you will offer.



Vítor Oliveira Jorge


Professor, University of Oporto, Portugal

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