Call for Papers for a Colloquium (C77)
at the XV. UISPP Meeting from 4th - 9th September 2006, Lisbon, Portugal

Non-flint Raw Material Use in Prehistory: Old Prejudices and New Directions

Farina Sternke, University of Southampton (United Kingdom) (;
Lotte Eigeland, University of Oslo (Norway) (;
Dr. Laurent-Jacques Costa, CNRS, UMR 7055, Nanterre (France) (


The study of raw material is now a central concern in the analysis of prehistoric and archaic lithic production in the Old and New World. In Europe, attention has focused predominantly on flint due to its presence in large quantities in some regions although non-flint raw materials were used as a major component on many prehistoric sites. The main research questions related to the current study of non-flint raw materials are the reasons for non-flint raw material use on one hand, and questions related to methodological problems associated commonly with the technological characteristics of the different raw materials on the other hand. This colloquium aims to give an overview of current non-flint raw material studies in different prehistoric periods and geographical areas, thereby stimulating a further debate about the central issues and increasing the dialogue among researchers in this area of lithic studies.

L’étude des matières premières lithiques est aujourd’hui une composante fondamentale de l’analyse des productions préhistoriques. En Europe, les recherches se sont, en premier lieu, focalisées sur le silex, présents en grandes quantités dans de nombreuses régions, négligeant de ce fait l’utilisation intensive de matières alternatives dans de nombreux sites préhistoriques. Les problèmes principaux soulevés par la recherche actuelle en matières premières alternatives (autres que le silex) sont : 1) les facteurs socio-économiques, techniques ou idéologiques, motivant l’utilisation de ces matières lithiques, et 2) les questions méthodologiques relevant des caractères technologiques de ces différentes matières premières. Ce colloque a pour but de proposer une vue d’ensemble des recherches actuelles sur l’utilisation préhistorique de matières premières lithiques alternatives, dans des périodes et des zones géographiques variées.

We are inviting paper and poster presentations for this colloquium and welcome contributions from all five continents. Languages to be used are English and French. There are no limitations on raw material types and archaeological periods.

The colloquium will have three main themes:

1. Section – Methodology and Terminology

Coordinator: Lotte Eigeland (

2. Section – Experimental Archaeology and Non-Flint Raw Materials

Coordinator: Farina Sternke (

This will include use-wear studies, lithic replication studies etc.

3. Section – Socio-Economic Implications of Non-Flint Raw Material Use

Coordinator: Dr. Laurent-Jacques Costa (

The organizers intend to publish the contributions in an edited volume.

Papers and Posters

All papers and the posters proposed are subject to the approval of the coordinators this colloquium.

Abstract for proposed papers should not exceed 1 page, and must be accompanied by an abstract in English and/or French.

Posters should not exceed 90cms in width and will include a maximum of two panels.

Each proposal of shall include: title of paper; abstract (200 words); 3 to 5 key-words; name(s) of author (s); present position, email address (s).

Each abstract (format Word) should be sent to Farina Sternke, preferably by email:

Farina Sternke

Centre for the Study of the Archaeology of Human Origins
School of Humanities
University of Southampton
United Kingdom


The deadline for abstracts is 31 December 2005.

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