

IUPPS and Portugal 2006, by Jean Bourgeois, Secretary General of IUPPS

The History of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences goes back, in fact, to the late XIX Century, when Prehistory was beginning ( Since then, regularly, international and world conferences enable the balance of research and a reflection on the future of our science.

UISPP/IUPPS, regrouping a large number of active prehistoric and protohistoric archaeologists throughout the world, includes several organisms. The directing body of our association is the Permanent Council, regrouping several hundreds of scholars from various countries in Europe, Africa, Asia or America. It is worth mentioning that the first Permanent Council of our association, then still called “International Congress for Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology (CIAAP)” was held in Lisbon, in 1880. The Executive Committee and the Permanent Council meet regularly (once a year and every two-three years, respectively), to define the orientation of the IUPPS, namely during the world congresses, every five years.

The scientific basic and daily activity is mostly the work of various scientific commissions and special committees, devoted to specific topics, that organise meetings, congresses and colloquia, publishing several proceedings,… in a word, doing everything a world organisation, representing a large part of the worlds’ archaeological experts, should do.

Next major activity will be IUPPS’ XV world Congress, held in Lisbon, in Portugal, in September 2006. Our Portuguese colleagues have already started its preparation, and we are convinced it will be a great moment for our association and for Portugal.

The greatest advantage offered by Portugal for such an event, apart from the country’s beauty and attractive climate, is the fact that the country’s richness in archaeological remains, and that archaeological research in Portugal has been strongly developed; it will seduce those that still don’t know this rich remains. Also, for its past and geographic location, Portugal is an ideal launching base for Africa and Southern America; this should enable to state, more than before, the international and world mission our organisation must develop. Let us hope that the Lisbon Congress enables such contacts with various countries. This is the way to correspond to the wishes of the founders of the association, back in the XIX Century.

Jean Bourgeois
Professor, Ghent University, Belgium

Foreword, by Luiz Oosterbeek, XV Congress Secretary General

Dear Colleagues,

We are approaching the XV Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP/IUPPS) and, namely, the deadline for submission of papers.

The XV Congress of the IUPPS will be held in Lisbon, in 2006, but its preparation includes several ongoing activities. These include not only the preparation of sessions, but the organisation of conferences and debates in 2003, 2004 and 2005, as well as the edition of several volumes devoted to Portuguese archaeology, that will be available in the opening session of the congress.

Over 110 proposals of Colloquia and Wokshops have been accepted, covering a wide range, from Theoretical issues to public archaeology. Accordingly, the Congress will be articulated in six main sections: “Theory and Methods”, “Archaeo-sciences”, “Hunter-gatherers”, “First farmers”, “Early metallurgy and complex societies”, “Other”.

It is important to mention that several sessions will be articulated in two major clusters: “Southern America Archaeology Panorama” and “Global State of the Art” (the later in association with IFRAO, the International Federation of Rock Art Organizations).

In the framework of the Congress preparation, the various UISPP Scientific Commissions have been most active, while proposals to establish new Commissions after 2006 are being prepared.

You will also find a paper on the Prehistory of India, by our new member of the Congress Secretary, Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, from New Deli University.

This third issue of the Congress Bulletin includes the up-dated information and also the invitation for you to register as a member of the Congress, eventually proposing the participation in one of the already listed sessions, or suggesting a new one. In this issue, you will find the full list of proposals. You may submit papers either to one of them or to the common sessions that will be organised, as usual, in the Congress. You may also register as a volunteer (note that only 160 volunteers will be accepted).

Let me insist in the need to register as early as possible. This way you will save money (paying a lower fee) and contribute the preparation of the congress, since this has very significant costs that may only be faced with the contributions of all participants.

The Congress secretary will assist any demand of support to help preparing sessions or other events. Count on us, as we count on you.

Archaeological greetings,

Luiz Oosterbeek
Professor, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal

Aos Arqueólogos de Todo o Mundo
Mensagem do Vitor Oliveira Jorge, Presidente da UISPP

Aos Arqueólogos de Todo o Mundo
Mensagem do Presidente da UISPP sobre o XVº Congresso
Lisboa, Setembro de 2006
Email geral:

Janeiro de 2003.

Caros Colegas,

No seu XIVº Congresso, realizado em Liège, Bélgica, em Setembro de 2001, a UISPP decidiu realizar o XVº Congresso em Lisboa, Portugal, em Setembro de 2006, sendo seu secretário-geral, e principal responsável pela organização do evento, o Prof. Doutor Luiz Oosterbeek, do Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.

Assim, durante essa reunião magna dos arqueólogos de todo o mundo, Portugal e a sua cidade capital, célebre pelo seu clima e pela sua abertura a todos os povos, terá a honra de acolher a nossa comunidade, e de lhe procurar proporcionar, com a colaboração de todos, arqueólogos e entidades públicas e privadas, uma experiência científica, cultural e humana inesquecível.

Como sabem, a nossa União e os seus congressos (que se efectuam de 5 em 5 anos) albergam no seu seio colegas de todos os países, e visam todos os domínios, períodos e temas da arqueologia, procurando a maior abrangência possível.

Num planeta onde os conflitos e as incompreensões entre culturas se generalizam preocupantemente, é nossa missão científica, cultural e cívica gerar focos de pausa, encontro, convívio mútuo, e de construção de um melhor futuro da humanidade, que só pode fazer-se no entendimento e no respeito por todas as tradições culturais e pelo património de todas as culturas e povos, em absoluta igualdade de circunstâncias. Para essa utopia positiva, porque nos mobiliza para a acção frutuosa e fraternal de criação do saber, a arqueologia tem dado, e continuará a dar, contributos muito significativos.

De facto, ela trata todos os povos e todas as tradições culturais na sua particularidade, e no contributo único que cada um deu, no espaço e no tempo, para a criação de uma imensa riqueza, que é a diversidade cultural, a qual não podemos nunca deixar perder, pois faz parte da herança que temos de consolidar e de transmitir.

Neste sentido, é para mim uma honra dirigir-me aos colegas de todo o mundo, em nome da UISPP, do seu Secretário-geral, Prof. Doutor Jean Bourgeois, da Universidade de Gent, Bélgica, e do secretário-geral do XVº Congresso, apelando à vossa participação activa nesta reunião magna, através de presença pessoal, de apresentação de comunicações e outras intervenções, mas também, desde já, das sugestões que queiram enviar ao Secretário-geral do Congresso, e que serão certamente uma ajuda inestimável para o êxito do mesmo.

Calorosas saudações arqueológicas.
E, também, em nome da UISPP e do meu país, muito obrigado.

Vítor Oliveira Jorge

Professor da Universidade do Porto, Portugal